Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Latin LOLCat: Creativity and Skill

Here is today's Latin LOLCat: The Latin word ars which you see here gives us the English word "art" of course, but it also has a much wider range of meaning, including the sense of "skill" or even "knowledge." More about the Latin ars here. If you are interested in Latin proverbs and fables, check out the Bestiaria Latina blog.

Non vi sed ingenio et arte.

Not by force but by creativity and skill.


  1. That's interesting. How did you managed to translate it? I mean, this sentence '' Non vi, sed ingenio et arte'' i couldn't find a single page on the internet with its translation... Anyways, are you a latin student or something?

  2. There are thousands and thousands of Latin proverbs and mottoes that probably have not been translated into English... that's one reason to learn Latin! :-)


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